3 Top Natural Makeup to Round Face

We all know that the shape of each person's face is different one from another one. There are several forms of human faces that we can recognize. The shape are: square face, oval, and also a round face shape. All three face shape is actually no shortage at all, but we often find a lot of people (especially those who have a round face) are not confident with their face shape and want to make it look gaunter.

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3 Top Natural Makeup to Round Face

If you are one of them, do not in rush to decide on plastic surgery and other facial shape altering actions. You can use makeup makeup simple, but according to proportion. Things that we listed below are some Natural Makeup that you can try to apply for Round face.

1. Eye

Eye is an "icon" of the face that can express a particular purpose. For you who have a round face, you can use makeup tools like eyeliner, eyebrow, eye shadow and mascara to make your eyes look bigger and become beautiful.
How, by using eye liner, pull the eye line is above the eye and then form the curved at the edges. How this makeup will give the impression of your eyes become bigger and make your cheeks will look gaunter.

2. Lip

To disguise your round face, you can use a lipstick with a striking colour. Choose the lipstick colours like matte lipstick with striking colours, but match it with the colour of your skin. Clean the lipstick on the lips with colour and proportional fitting. In the end result, you are also allowed to wear lip gloss to give the impression of glossy lips. Glossy impression is what will make your cheeks looks gaunter.

3. Cheek

You can take advantage of blush to make your cheeks become gaunter. However, there is a specifically tricks to obtain maximum results. First of all, you can do with the highest facial contours on the brow and cheeks. When you're done with the contours of these areas, then you can sweep blush on your face.

That was some way applying natural makeup for round face that you can do yourself at home. This method is very simple and of course safe, because you only need simple and basic makeup equipment such as lipstick, blush, eye liner and eye shadow.

By utilizing the makeup on the face properly, then with a round face you will still look beautiful and perfect. But do not forget that you must always confident because the shape ofyour face, because it is a gift from God, and we must be grateful of that.


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